Friday, December 12, 2008

It's the end of an era

Can you imagine my elation when finally after an interminable amount of time the rodent finally died?!?!!! Yes, I am referring to the hamster that I was tricked into bringing into our home. He lived so long that the kids began referring to him as Jesus. He was given a proper funeral and burial, and hopefully, there will be no second coming in three days time. I hate rodents! I have found myself on more than one occasion hopping from sofa to loveseat to avoid the floor whenever a mouse made himself known. Yes, I have actually called my husband at work and demand he come home to deal with the situation. And for all of you out there that can feel my pain, I'd like to share that peanut butter on a trap works the best. Husband with a broom, second best.

So, how did someone like me end up with a rodent in the house deliberatly? I would like to thank the no good, low down, dirty pet shop owner that offered to put the rodent up for adoption if the kids could just afford the cage. I knew that they had no money and wasn't worried. What I forgot is that someone (who shall remain nameless, but you know who you are) had birthday money with them and offered to share custody of said rodent. At which time my youngest starts proclaiming, "It's from God, he knew I wanted a hamster." What could I do? I would just like to state that shared custody never came to fruition.

Yes, it's the end of an era. No more deliberate rodent pets! No matter what. No way. No how.

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