Saturday, December 27, 2008

and to all a goodnight!

Merry Christmas to everyone! We had a very nice time visiting with family. The only negative was the absence of my hubby that couldn't leave town. There is just something about going home, to the house you grew up in. Somehow, it's always the same and yet there is always something different to find. I can't say something new, because usually it is an antique, so really, it's something old. It's like the Where's Waldo of garage sale finds. It really is half the fun. This year there were several new things, but they weren't things. This year it was my brother's girlfriend and three dogs.

I have to say that my brother is much younger than me and in my mind he is much, much younger. It's hard to believe that he's old enough to even have a girlfriend, much less a serious one. I do have to admit that I really like her. She is curiously an awful lot like our mom. He wants to go to school to be a doctor... Just when did he become serious enough to really know what he's doing with his life? And then there was the puppy, not just any puppy. The poster dog for ADHD puppies. Cute, yes (and it's a good thing) also smart, but not that smart, which explains his name, Puddles.

You see my sister was also visiting with her two, much older, seasoned dogs. We figured out that one is 91 in dog years! Let's just say, they weren't amused. But, we were. It was quite entertaining at times. Puddles never understood that 91 year- olds don't play with 3 year- olds. They don't entertain the thought, they don't think they are cute, they simply don't. Despite the Doggy Days of Our Lives, it was a great visit and as a bonus to my hubby, who stayed behind, the kids are with Grandma and Grandpa for another five days!!!!

Can you hear the champagne chilling? And, to all a goodnight!

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