Friday, December 19, 2008

It's all the weatherman's fault

This week was spent indoors, huddled up, preparing for the impending doom of the ice storm. This week wasn't supposed to be that way. I had a million things planned, but someone forgot to remind me that the weathermen in this area don't know squat! Yes, I admit it, I was suckered in like the rest of the community. I heeded the warnings. I checked the flashlights. I rescheduled two major events. Thinking that it was going to be "really bad", I stayed off the streets and left the grocery store to the true ol' ladies. I explained to my children the wisdom I was displaying in not endangering their young lives by pushing the limits. It was a hard sell. It was even harder when the ice never came.

Now, I'm stuck. I'm stuck with house-cooped children! There's nothing on T.V. worth watching, the gifts are already wrapped, and I'm secretly cursing the weathermen that are only right maybe less than 20% of the time. What to do.... what to do.... well, I said I would... so I went in. That's right, I went into the kitchen. Clearly suffering from a case of schizophrenia, a new personality stepped forth. I was now a woman akin to Betty Crocker! Funny how strapping on an apron can do that. It's like magic. I stirred, I mixed, I whipped, I seperated, I improvised (only the truly kitchen savvy can pull this off), I melted, I drizzled, I crunched, I baked! In the end, I ended up with eight batches of differing cookies. Okay, okay one of them is highly suspicious. It wasn't setting up right so I added cornflakes. And then there wasn't quite enough almond bark to cover it,so, I decided that it will just be called the dirty snowball cookie! The kids wandered in and out occasionally, but kept enough distance as not to be roped into dishes. The dogs wandered in and out constantly! They begged, they whined, they were tripped over a hundred times and dutifully they licked up any spillage off the floor.

And now, it's over!!! I did it. I survived the kitchen! I decided against the fudge (too daunting). I can now hand out cookies to coworkers without too much shame. Still, there is NO ICE outside. Despite my obvious distain for the weathermen with their good for nothing forecasts, I suppose I should be thankful. Without them, I would never know this (split personality) wonderous side of the holidays.

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