Monday, March 2, 2009

Cream O' Wheat for the Ages

There is a distinct advantage to raising independent children. Especially when it comes to being able to throw together a sandwich or a grilled cheese for oneself. Prince Lawn Gnome can make a mean fried egg. True, there was more than one casualty when he was learning to flip them in the pan. Thankfully, you can count on the dogs to be nearby to lick up the spillage.

Lately, Songbird has been trying her hand in the kitchen. Her latest, Cream O' Wheat. Which explains why we went through a gallon of milk in the blink of an eye this week. I don't know about you but I love Cream O' Wheat. It's a down-home kinda food. Low cost, good for you and reminds you of the kind grandma used to make. It also has some miraculous qualities. My favorite is its bonding capabilities. Move over SuperGlue 'cause you don't have nothing on the Wheat. This is an attribute that Songbird learned firsthand after over boiling it onto the glass-top stove. I didn't make the discovery until well after the cooling process and the adhering had officially taken place, as I had worked the night shift (occupational hazard).

I'm quite certain that in a pinch I could mortar a house with the stuff. It's just a rumor, but I heard it was used to build the Great Wall of China and the Pyramids.

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