Saturday, March 7, 2009

Running Around Like a Chicken

I always think of my Granny, who is Hungarian, and has a great knack for translating slang into her own personal language. "Running around like a chicken with his head cut off" is simply to her "Running around like a chicken." This phrase sums up the total of my life right now. I can live in this spiralling vortex and actually pull it off for a while. I can put up a pretty good fight. I've had years and years of experience. But, what I've mainly learned from all that experience is that it can only last so long. The human body can only give so much. The human brain is capable of snapping under too much (laundry) pressure. Ask my children, they can literally describe what a conniption fit looks like.

It is so much more desirable to stop and smell the roses. And, maybe if I weren't the one that has to plant the roses, water the roses after thawing out the hoses that were left out all winter, threaten Prince Lawn Gnome with his life if the weed eater gets too close to the roses, mourn for the roses when he does weedwack them to death because he can't be bothered to take an appropriate amount of time around them when there is playtime to be had, collect the remaining roses and arrange them in a beautiful vase that I will proudly display on a table after I clean that off... well, then maybe I could just enjoy a stroll through the yard and enjoy smelling the roses.

So, truly, the spiralling vortex principle applies to EVERY area of my life right now. Even a simple task is not so simple. Add the bathroom remodel, that is taking forever, into the mix and the house is less than desirable. Of course, this is the time that an old friend would decide to stop in for a few days. Doesn't the threat of no running water at any given time mean anything to anyone anymore? I thought that was a rather pointed clue, that no, this isn't a good time for us, apparently not pointed enough. Guilt from not promptly returning her phone calls of late kept me from just outright saying "Are you kidding me? Absolutely not." Instead, I heard myself say, "Oh, great. I'm so looking forward to having some time to visit, just us." Hope she doesn't mind spending hours in the garden reclaiming it for spring or actually tiling the bathroom floor. Both items are on the agenda and CANNOT be put off further. Just add it to the vortex!

Oh, yes, and the daily vortex is still churning around work, homeschool, bible study, youth group an upcoming vacation weekend, and yes, another set of relatives coming to visit. Yes, that will about take care of March.

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