Thursday, April 2, 2009


I'm posting because I'm procrastinating. Procrastinating making a grocery list, procrastinating balancing the checkbook to figure out how much money I don't have to spend at the grocery store. I was doing good for awhile. I had purchased a freezer full of bargains and enough bulk pancake mix and syrup to really last. I was on top of it. Then, the remodel happened. So, basically, I've used up just about everything. And this time when the kids whine, "there's nothing to eat" they're right. I'm afraid, very afraid, of just how high this particular bill could get. It's not easy feeding three teenagers. They're like hobbits. First breakfast, second breakfast, first lunch, second lunch etc.... you get my drift.

Since groceries have gone up so much, I've really been trying to shop only bulk or sale items. This is not my favorite activity. I'm not a bargain shopper by nature. Mostly, I just buy something because I'm already in the store and don't want to have to come back later. I figure time is money, right? Fortunately for me, my two closest girlfriends are VERY thrifty. They are my opposite when it comes to money. Like the time we were on vacation and I was forced to park a million miles away from the entrance into Silver Dollar City so that we could park for free. I'm like, "it's only $20 to park up close!" I hate to admit it, but I was glad when I left the park and still had some money in my pocket. That $20 made a difference. ( I admitted it already, don't expect me to say it again.)

So, here I go... off to peruse the ads for this week. Off to make a list and check it twice. Off to balance the dreaded check book. Wine is definitely making the list!

1 comment:

Hitsofthe60s said...

While you will have to pay to park up close at Silver Dolar City, you do not have to pay to park at the theaters. #1 Hits of the 60's Show invites you to PARK FOR FREE and see one of the top shows in Branson, as voted by 417 Magazine. You'll relive the 60's decade through music dance, comedy and uniqu video segments all performed live by the band of cast of #1 Hits of the 60's. Fun for the whole family, and available a Family Pass that will save you some real dollars.