Thursday, April 16, 2009

An Early Christmas!!!!!

Okay, okay, I know I just posted, but this is too exciting to keep to myself! Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus! Christmas has come early! John Madden is retiring!!!!!!! Finally!!!!!!

No, longer will I be subjected to the repeated "He's the best player in the NFL today" comment!
No more thirty million turkey legs!
No more bus tours!
And, it is worth saying more than once (as we are always subjected to it more than once a game) "He's the best player in the NFL today." Never mind that this time he's referring to a different player!

I know he is a legend.... I know he's been an untouchable... I don't care. He drives me CRAZY. I am extra excited that I won't have to listen to him drivel on and on this season! I cannot stop with the exclamation points!!!!!!!!!!! I am that excited!

Oh, happy day! Oh, happy day!

1 comment:

Angie @ KEEP BELIEVING said...

This is so funny. I liked Madden about 12 years ago. Then his tongue got stuck kissing Brett Favre's butt for so long I couldn't stand him anymore. Seriously, he is just not objective enough. He may as well don a jersey for each game because it is so obvious who he is rooting for.

I can't stand Al Michael's EVEN MORE, though. I find him mind-numbingly BORING!!!!