Monday, April 6, 2009

Groceries Part II

Okay, I did it. I went to the dreaded grocery store and you know what, I AM PEEVED. Once, just once, I want to get through the line without someone asking me...

actual quotes here...

"Are you shopping for your family or are you hosting an event?"

"How many people DO you have in your family?"

"Do you work for a nursing home or something?"

I'm beginning to feel like a freak show. I know I'm not the only mom out there buying for hungry teenagers. True, I am buying for a three week period at a time, but still, do I really stand out that much? And, why does everyone feel it necessary to make a comment? I'm not standing in line judging their baskets. "Oh, my, how does your family not starve to death with this pittance of food?" I'm finding it harder and harder not to be caddy. It's a blessing and a curse to be flippant.

You know what's sad, this grocery shopping wasn't even half of what I've been known to do. Maybe, I could sell tickets, you know, raise a little to offset the bill.

Oh, yes, and I forgot the wine.

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