Friday, January 30, 2009

There's No Limit to Grouchy Part II

There's no limit to grouchy is right! I wish I could say that we have licked this problem in our house, but truthfully, it has gotten worse. It seems that the best behavior we can manage resembles that of a two year old without his beloved nap. Can you say "meltdown?" Braveheart and Prince Lawn Gnome actually had a knock-down-drag-out over a pillow. Seriously, you wouldn't know that they are 16 and nearly 15 respectively. The only thing worse was my complete overreaction to the whole argument. I'm sure every neighbor could quote me word for word. I think I found a new octave.

My darling hubby has been anything but darling this week. I was beginning to think that he could benefit from a swift kick in the ass. But, I tried to be sympathetic, "honey, is there something wrong?" He mumbles, "nothing." "Can I do anything to help?" "No." Okay then well if everything is fine and you don't need my understanding then how about helping me out around here a little... (my tiredness sending me back to the id stage, age 2). Let's just say, that didn't go over too well. And, just when I was feeling justified in my whinniness, my hubby calls to tell me what the MRI of his lower back revealed. Five compressed discs, 11 discs rubbing one another bone to bone, some fluid retention in all the wrong places, and something protruding 3 mm into the spinal column! That doesn't include his train wreck of a neck either. Plus, a litany of medical jargon that I cannot remember on the spot. No wonder he's been grouchy! Who wouldn't be?

But, the kicker, the real kicker... was the second phone call from my darling hubby. "Are you going to wake me up when you get home? " We're in a marriage series at church. All married couples are challenged to seven days of sex. I'm not sure he's ever paid as much attention to a sermon in all his life. So, I ask you... if you're in enough pain to be grouchy 24-7, but not enough pain to forgo the seven day challenge, just how much am I being played here? Valid question or grouchiness rearing it's ugly head again. I admit it. I'm not above it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ohhhh OceanMoma....damned if you do,damned if you