Friday, January 9, 2009

What a Week I'm Having!

Do you remember the movie Splash? Remember the guy who kept saying, "What a week I'm having!" This week was one of those. It's not unusual for me to start off like a gale force wind blowing through the house. "It's time to take back the house!" Time to empty all the trash, do all the dishes, collect all the laundry, do all the grading (for homeschool), pay bills, grocery shop, plan activities for youth group, return phone calls, go shopping with a friend, throw together a meal here and there, go to the dentist, do more laundry, get on Prince Lawn Gnome's case for not keeping up with his school work, run to Songbird's school to dig through trash for one lost retainer (found by one great janitor!), run to Songbird's school yet again to drop off forgotten math book, go to bible study and in the middle of it all, catch a cold.

Throughout the week I could feel the gale force wind dying down, dying down to barely a breeze. And that is where the hard part is because as all moms, wives and devoted employees know a cold isn't really reason enough to be sick. It isn't reason enough to go to bed and let the household fend for itself and don't you remember the last time you did that... the apocalypse can't look much worse. It's not reason enough to use a vacation day. Those are supposed to be for beaches and sunshine not Kleenex and wrinkled sheets.

Just out of curiosity, how many cough drops do you think one can take before officially overdosing? So please forgive the lack of blogging, but as I said before, "What a week I'm having!"

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