Saturday, January 24, 2009

Laughter and tears...

My intent tonight was to tell a funny tale, reflect upon the craziness of life and hope to look at it light-heartedly. But, today a friend is deeply hurting. Her life is changing... forever. My heart cries for her. Intellectually, I know she will be okay because her foundation is Christ. Emotionally, the road ahead is long.

I've struggled with sharing my faith here, unsure of whether or not this should be a place free from religious talk. But, today it is abundantly clear that the troubles of life will come to your doorstep and kick in your door at will. Friends, it matters. Faith matters. And, while we might have differing beliefs in the end, the common denominator is that one day each of us will face the question "what is it that I do believe?" That struggle is real and sometimes harsh. While I have made my decision, while I am firm in my belief, I know there are those of you that are struggling. In my personal life, I try very hard to be the kind of friend that will walk alongside without judgement or condemnation. Yet, I am also a friend that will hold up a mirror when you need it. I don't sugar coat. I won't just tell you what you want to hear. I'm not into false flattery. So, it is by extension that this blog should reflect that, a cyber image of the real me. Life is too short and I'm not interested in faking it.

So, some days will be for laughter and some for tears, but always genuine.

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