Friday, January 23, 2009

The Dance...

Oh, Lord, my cross is heavy! In the same week, Songbird announced that she is too old to wear Barbie underwear any longer and she needed $5.00 for a ticket to the school dance. School dance? There is a very distinctive sound (thud) when your heart hits the ground. There is a very distinctive jolt of pain when you realize that your "baby" is old enough to go to a dance.

It was time to go into immediate interrogation mode: "Who else is going? What boy are you hoping to dance with? You do know that boys are to keep their hands in appropriate places when you dance don't you? What are you planning to wear? Absolutely no hoochie-momma outfits. Absolutely no make-up. What do you say if a boy tries to put his hand in an inappropriate place?" To her credit, Songbird, just giggled and played along.

The scary thing is that she's the one I know I need to worry about. She is stealthy and usually flies under the radar, but I know beneath all that innocence and puppy- dog- eyes is a boy crazy preteen just looking for an adventure. It may be time to put her brother and sister on the payroll as informants. I'll admit it, I'm not above bribery.

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