Thursday, October 29, 2009

A Big A** Mess

It's rainy today and we all slept in, late, very, very late. Feeling guilty as other people's children were staying here as well, I decided to make a nice breakfast. Now, I don't like to cook, but breakfast now that's my specialty. Only problem was we were limited on clean dishes since we had run out of dishwasher detergent and dish soap two days ago. "No problem, I'll just use little plates and pull out some pots and pans we don't usually use."

Breakfast was good.

Still raining out and it felt like a good day for homemade soup. Homemade vegetable chili at only 3 points a bowl, without having to go to the grocery store for any ingredients... awesome! More dishes... not so awesome.

While trying to put the extra three individual servings of soup in the fridge, I realized that there was NO WAY they were going to fit. I admit it, I leave cleaning out the fridge for as long as humanly possible...and today was humanly possible. So, out with the old and outdated. Out with the disgusting and putrid, out with thirty-million Tupperware containers (that's where they all were), out with the crockpot, no kidding, the entire crockpot.

Sent hubby to the store for detergent, EMERGENCY!

One dishwasher full, three sink-loads of dishes, one full load of cookie sheets, and all the refrigerator drawers and guess what time it is.... 5:30. Yep, just in time to make dinner. Damn.

1 comment:

songbird said...

no joke about the dishes!!! lol,lol!