Thursday, October 15, 2009

I Can Smell Dinner

I'm feeling accomplished today. Dinner in the crockpot, cookies cooling on the counter, homeschool finished for the day. Just waiting for Songbird's choir concert and then we will eat. Sounds very Betty Crocker doesn't it? Are you jealous? Does it sound like I have it all together? Well, it is true until you consider the following:

The kids hate crockpot dinners and probably won't like this one either. It has onions, which means Prince Lawn Gnome will pick at it until I can't stand looking anymore. He'll no doubt eat only the pieces of sausage and still be hungry at midnight.

It's a new recipe, which means that no one will like it, because those don't usually go well for me.

Homeschool may be finished for the kids, but not really for me. I have a mountain of grading to do and seriously, I don't want to. It's like I'm being punished for all those years that I only half paid attention to my teachers.

Songbird's choir concert. Yeah, well, I'm forcing her siblings to go. I've instructed them that they have to pay attention. They cannont under any circumstances eat from the vending machines as dinner will be waiting when we get home. I don't care if they think it's boring. I don't care if they don't feel like it. We're going as a family to support her despite the fact that she has a cold and probably won't perform very well anyway.

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