Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Sugar or Splenda

It has been recently brought to my attention that I am blunt. I can't say that this news comes as a surprise, but seriously, I thought I was doing a much better job at tempering my comments. I cannot tell you how many times I mull over what I really want to say and try to cushion it in a response that is encouraging, and overall, well, sweetened up a bit. Maybe, all this agonizing over words isn't fooling anyone. Maybe, it's like the difference between sugar and Splenda. Splenda may parade around as actual sugar, be a derivative of sugar, and have "healthier" attributes, but let's face it, it ain't sugar!

Blunt? It sounds so offensive, why not honest, or forthright. Blunt can be a time saver, you know. Haven't we all had a friend that sucked the life blood right out of you with the one millionth version of the same ol' problem? You know the one, the one that made you start screening your phone calls (thank the Lord above for answering machines.) Anyone can spoonfeed Splenda and dance around the solution to the problem, hand-hold over the problem and then rehash the problem once again. I seriously just don't have the patience anymore.

I have a rule. No more high maintenance friends. Those that are still around have been grandfathered in by time and high school shenanigans, okay okay, they have too much dirt on me to be cut loose. They are the reason I can never run for political office. But all new friendships must be of the sugar variety. There really is no substitute for the real thing. I guess that means that, yes, by choice, I'm blunt.

1 comment:

Angie @ KEEP BELIEVING said...

I have been told lately that I am "so honest" and I don't think it is a huge compliment. Still, that is all I know to be right now. That is all I have patience for, too.

And I left a pretty harsh comment yesterday on a good friend's blog. In the end, after the initial sting of my "honesty", she thanked me.