Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Top Ten Reasons I May be Headed to the Looney Bin

10. The lack of cleanliness for which I am subjected on a daily basis. i.e. the band aid I found stuck to the couch cushion today (the top of the cushion, I was afraid to look underneath).

9. Homeschool and Algebra II... damn fractions I never got them the first time around.

8. The repeated visits to the chiropractor for which I always come home feeling worse.

7. What must be an unusually high volume of hair loss in the shower. Am I going bald?

6. The reality that my comfort eating is worse than ever (stress!!!!) but I have NO TIME to attend Weight Watchers and no money for a more convenient solution (liposuction).

5. All family members have outgrown their fall wardrobes simultaneously. My hubby for lack of smoking, me, well, we already discussed this, and each kid looks like they are waiting for the flood to arrive any day now.

4. Car repairs and the unknown $ amount they represent.

3. Flu season in the urgent care. I truly understand job stress now and why people play the lotto.

2. Did I mention the messiness of the house?

1. No me time!

1 comment:

Angie @ KEEP BELIEVING said...

So, if you are headed, it is with good reason. You won't be there long. These are all curable problems.