Monday, November 2, 2009

An Argument With Myself

Good Self: Let's make an apple pie to welcome fall. I have plenty of points left in the day!

Good Self: MMMM!!! Yummy

Two days later
Good Self: Why is no one else finishing off this pie? It sure was good. But, I'm not going to have any. No, I will be disciplined!

The next day
Bad Self: Oh, well just one more piece. I'll account for the points. It'll be worth it later.

Good Self (Later that day): Man, I'm low on points...must have been the pie. Not sure it was worth it.

Two days later:
Good Self Fighting with Bad Self: I'm going to have to throw the last two pieces of this pie away. What a waste (notice the frugality here). Well, I could eat one piece... only 8 points...

Bad Self: "It's only really like one piece left, I mean really, half the filling is falling out of the other one...I could just finish this off and there wouldn't be any waste."

Bad Self: Okay, mark down 8 points.

Good Self: Who are you kidding? That was a full piece and a half worth of pie at least and that is at least 12 points.

Bad Self: Oh, come on, you think? Really?

Good Self: If you can't be honest with me then it's never going to happen.

Later that day: Dang, negative 3 points for the day. Mental note don't eat any more pie till Thanksgiving.

Anyone else out there actually arguing and lying to yourself? Very revealing.

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