Saturday, November 14, 2009


I knew it was coming, the Winter Blah. The Blah that you have to push through in order to get anything accomplished. The Blah that just lulls you into bed and a marathon of bad t.v. Yes, the Blah that seeps into your soul and robs you of any desire, joy or ambition. Oh, I hate winter.
I need sunshine! I need birds chirping and welcoming me into a great day outside. Instead, there is a drizzle out there, a cold damp that you can't quite shake. It's going to be a long season.

It's scary because it is at times like this when I think, "maybe, a vibrant shade of red on my hair would perk me up?" Or, "maybe a little shopping would help?" It's scary because this time of year puts me on the edge, the very edge. Where it doesn't take much to push me off into a bad haircut and sweats. I'm already teetering from the changes I've been forced to make over Weight Watchers. Last night I came home from work to a pan full of brownies WITH NUTS. Major temptation! I cut the smallest piece known to man. It tasted so good it scared me straight out of the kitchen. I can't go back in there. Obviously, chocolate is my crack.

Just how am I supposed to combat the Blah if chocolate is taken out of my arsenal?

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