Saturday, November 21, 2009

Pumpkin Pie!!!

T minus 4 days and counting till Turkey day!!! And, only T minus 1 1/2 days till we head to Grandma's house for the blessed occasion. Blessed occasion, indeed, all occasions that include pumpkin pie with Cool Whip, pecan pie, Grandma Rosie's rolls, and all the fixin's is high on my priority list right now. Maybe it's because since I started Weight Watchers my thoughts are obsessed with food.

I can hardly watch television without salivating over the commercials. Someone walked by me at work today with a bag of McDonald's fries and I nearly grabbed it out of their hands. Another group sent out for Starbucks! I was good, I didn't cave and actually it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. But, mostly because I'm telling myself, just look forward to the pumpkin pie. It better be good. You know how you can work up a thing in your mind to near perfection... at this point, I can settle for no less.

Don't get me wrong, I have no intention of undoing the work that's been done (8.8 lbs in one month), but I plan on enjoying every bite to the fullest. I can't undo the work, because that would mean I would actually break down and cry in front of a group of complete strangers and then I'd have to change meetings. Yes, there is an ample amount of vulnerability there. I'm feeling FRAGILE. There should be a sign on my forehead "Explosives: Handle with Care."

So, here's looking forward to the food and the family, the fun and the not-s0-fun, the same ol' and the brand new (New Moon). Hope you have a blessed Thanksgiving!

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