Monday, August 31, 2009

The Itsy Bitsy Spider

I'm awake. I'm awake and I'm not happy about it. Only those that work nights can truly understand how possessive I've become about my sleep. Only today, there won't be any rest for the weary all because of an itsy, bitsy spider. Somewhere, somehow without my knowledge a spider bit me. I don't think I've been bit by a spider since I was a kid. But, now after throbbing pain, fire like pain to the touch, radiating heat and knot like feel... I'm worried. Worried that the itsy, bitsy spider in question may be of the Brown Recluse variety. So, I'm going to the doctor and you know I think it's important if I'm a)losing sleep over this and b) going to see the doctor who has the bed side manner of a pet rock.

Do you have any idea how incredibly pissed I'm going to be if this disrupts my vacation? If I'm unable to get into the water or swim with the dolphins? Do you know how incredibly pissed I'm going to be if I have to have any part of my abdomen cut into and it isn't because of a tummy tuck?

Sorry, I get a little cranky when I'm tired.

Say a little prayer for me in hopes that this will all stay under control.

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