Friday, June 5, 2009

A Whole New World.....

It's been 36 years. For 36 years I've lived with a smoker. My dad smoked, my stepdad smoked and my hubby smoked. It's been over a month and my hubby is doing great. Dare I say it? I think he's quit, officially quit. And now, it's the little things that we're noticing, like no ashes to dust off the end table. No ash trays need emptying. Today, I washed my curtains and guess what, they won't smell like smoke in a week! The car window isn't always cracked open (which was highly offensive after a night of rain). The next time I travel and open my suitcase, the smoke smell won't knock me on my butt!
But, by a long shot, the very best side effect to my hubby not smoking is the fact that we can actually go places on time! We no longer have to make the last minute run to the gas station for cigarettes and coffee. QuikTrip will definitely see a decline in their profits.
Even my hubby has noticed lifestyle changes. He is trying to figure out how to decompress after being anxious or angry. He no longer has the two minute smoking ritual to calm down. And, he actually commented on how bad his car smelled! I cannot believe it. Finally. He finally knows what I've been putting up with. It really is a whole new world.

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