Saturday, May 16, 2009

The Mini Fridge

The way to a man's heart is through his stomach, yes, I definately believe that when it comes to my son. Prince Lawn Gnome has always cared deeply about food. He was born picky. At two, I discovered that time-out and taking toys away was completely ineffective where he was concerned. He didn't care about anything but the food. And, you can't take away food! I tried to send him to bed without dinner once and I think it really did hurt me more.

As a growing teenage boy, Prince Lawn Gnome, along with his friends strongly resemble locusts. They travel around from neighborhood house to neighborhood house devouring everything in sight. No frozen pizza is safe.

So, it came as no surprise when Prince Lawn Gnome spent his birthday money on a mini fridge. He stocked it to the hilt, buying more pop than any teenager should be allowed to buy. The mini fridge quickly became a status symbol among his peers. I was seriously concerned. Not just about the possible caffeine intake but about the pyramid of pop cans growing in his room. I was not cleaning a second fridge!

Fast forward three months.... City Wide Garage Sale Day. Prince Lawn Gnome is strapped for cash. He sold the mini fridge for $25! I happen to know he paid $80. That is one fast deprectiation. I CANNOT understand for the life of me why he would sell the fridge. One day he loves the fridge... the next day he wants cash... no matter how stupid the deal. When, oh, when will he look more than 10 minutes into the future?

I didn't advise him. I didn't say a word, even though I am screaming about it on the inside. I'm trying to let him learn from natural consequences, but it's excruciating to watch.

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