Sunday, May 17, 2009

It's Mutiny I Tell You

I originally only joined Facebook to keep tabs on my children. Good thing I did. I've had one child that put out a picture of his knee that looked suspiciously like a butt crack and yesterday another child that posted she "got a cat today."

Apparently, while I was at work she went to a garage sale and purchased a kitten for the bargain basement price of $5.00. Now, Braveheart is 16 and she did drive to the garage sale, but she does not look 16 by any means. I ask you, what kind of person lets a child buy a kitten without an adult present? And what kind of kid purchases a kitten without permission from her parents... Ahhhem... one just like me. Yes, I did the same thing when I was 17 to my dad. I even moved out of state and left him with the cat come to think of it.

Which puts me in a quandry because the last thing I ever wanted to do again was smell another litter box. I'm a dog person now. Poor Rascal and Rufus they just looked through the sliding glass window all pitiful like with an expression that read, "don't you love us anymore?"

As much as I am upset with Braveheart, I am equally upset with my hubby. This is the man that in the past NEVER wanted cats. He has always been the heavy in these kinds of situations. I thought I could count on him, then I saw him with the kitten. "Isn't he cute? How can you say no to those blue eyes?" I'm like: "who are you and what have you done to my husband?" I knew it. I knew right then and there that there was no point in arguing or trying to assert any objections. I was too late. The cuteness factor had taken over. Then I witnessed a truly amazing sight, one that I'm positive marks a new chapter in our lives together. I actually saw and heard my hubby "baby talk" to the kitten. He's smitten. I had a glimpse of what he will be like with grandchildren someday. Mr. Jello, Mr. No Spine, Mr. Stay Puff Marshmallow Softy, yes, that will be him, the fun one. And, you know who that leaves me to be... the heavy, the disciplinarian, the no-fun Grandma. It's mutiny, down right mutiny!


Hubby said...

I would like to just state the possibility that we can both be the fun ones. That would still leave the INLAW Grandparents to be the heavy.

Linda Pinion said...

Nope, Sorry "Hubby". Chris & I refuse to be the heavy INLAW Grandparents!

B.Doss said...

All is not lost, I think that Paul may be able to fill this position. The man is getting groucher by the year!!

braveheart said...

Let me just say first of jacqueline is the one marrying a pinion.

2 reading your blog and all the stuff i get in trouble for kinda hypocritical =)

3) and you can blame chris for this, yes chris im throwing you under the bus, tough love. It is better to ask forgivness than permission and its working well for me so far =)