Friday, January 22, 2010

A Tortoise

Slow and steady wins the race right? That seems to be the theme of our lives lately. Everyday there is more to be done than can possibly be accomplished, but everyday we try, everyday we have some successes and some failures, and we're learning to be okay with that. Okay, I'm learning to be okay with that. It's hard to do a little of everything and not really do any one thing well. Case in point, my first class (in forever). I misunderstood the directions for the first two weeks, result.... a D. It's okay, I can make it up. Now that I'm clear as to the expectation, I can meet it, but truly living that philosophy physically requires me to take a deep breath.
It's okay that the laundry table is overflowing with laundry...right? At least everyday an attempt is made at keeping it in process. It's okay that expiration dates should be checked before drinking any milk from the fridge, right? It's okay that homeschool is having a sick day today for a low grade fever, right?
So, for those whose phone calls haven't been returned promptly, please don't take it personally. No one's calls are being returned promptly. I am the tortoise that is in the race for the long haul. I'll eventually catch up to you and the world that keeps on spinning. Someday, I'll actually see the Oscar nominated movies before the Oscars!
One piece of good news, 21 lbs of weight loss so far!!!! Feeling motivated in this department. Starting to see clothes that are way too big come out of the closet!!! I will have to go shopping soon and I'm actually looking forward to it.

1 comment:

Mrs. G. said...

If you can't have a sick day when you homeschool, why do it.

Don't sweat the laundry. It NEVER goes anywhere.