Friday, January 8, 2010

Strangs Groans from the Basement

There is a particularly nasty sound coming from the basement. Groaning??? Or maybe a cat in heat??? All to a rhythmic banging of sticks... no it sounds vaguely like chanting, as if some ritual sacrifice was taking place. But no, it's yet another version of Rockband and all the neighborhood kids playing. Why, oh, why won't they let Songbird do the singing? Why do we all have to be subjected to this monotonous, blood-curdling exhibit of lyrics just for points?
I think that it's just ridiculous to encourage the poor boy any further. He cannot sing! I can barely take it and I'm one floor removed. How they can all be in the same room for hours (marathon session) and continually subject their ears to such obvious lack of anything melodic is beyond me. Oh, yes, they are making it much easier for me to look forward to going to work today!

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