Thursday, February 18, 2010

When Caffeine Isn't Enough

I'm drinking it, but it doesn't seem to be helping. Just what am I supposed to do now that caffeine doesn't even seem to be enough to keep my sleepy eyes from closing? I wonder just how long I really would sleep barring any barking dogs, phones ringing, TV's up too loud or such. Even with all those things, I could easily take in 11-12 hours at a time. In a perfect, Temperpedic, condensation levels within the air just right (too much heat in the winter time), quiet house, I might never wake up.
I think Songbird is right there with me. Poor girl, she comes home from school exhausted. She's fallen into a pattern of taking a nap right after school until dinner time, then she can't fall asleep before 11 or 11:30. School bus comes at 6:55, and her morning routine takes at least an hour, you do the math.
Hubby is also not sleeping well. His back hurts, it's too hot, or he's trying to catch up on the Olympics that he's DVR'd. All of the Olympics grant you. He watches all of it, wistfully dreaming of how he could have been an Olympian if only.....
The only two in the house that seem to run ninety-to nothing without any negative side effects are Braveheart and Prince Lawn Gnome, but I attribute that to their age. Stinking teenagers just get faster and faster as we get slower and slower. They are in and out of this house so fast it makes my head literally spin. I simply cannot keep up with where they are and when. I'm about to implant homing devices just to have a clue.

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